Week of 10/21-25/24 Dismissal 12:54 pm Students will be dismissed at 12:54 pm 2024Minimum Days Monday, October 21st, through Friday, October 25th will be minimum days – Dismissal will be at 12:54 pm There will be NO Homework center during this week. Please make arrangements to pick up your student at 12:54pm as there will be NO after-school programs, clubs or supervision during this week. In Person Parent -Teacher conferences are scheduled for Tuesday October 22nd and Thursday October 24th from 2:00pm to 6:00pm. Please be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to meet with your student’s teachers to discuss your student’s progress to date. Conferences will be held in Panther Hall Arena Style. Parents/Guardians who come to school for Parent-Teacher conferences will be asked to pick up report card first before proceeding to each teacher. Find your student’s teacher, and you may have a 10 minute conference with them. If that teacher is busy with another parent you can try a different teacher or have a seat and wait until that teacher is available. Some teachers may be contacting you for a specific conference time; these will still be held in Panther Hall. If you feel you need more time, please arrange that with the teacher as you are welcome to request a conference with any teacher(s) at any time during the school year. We will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair in the library on conference days from 2:00pm – 6:00pm ____________________________________________________________ Spanish translators will be available. Snacks will be sold.
Fall Community Car Show and Swap Meet Pop Up 10/12/24 Please Join us for our Fall Parkway Community Pop-Up EventCars, Crafts, Rummage Sale and FOOD! If you want to purchase a table please fill out our Interest Form