View from Parkway Heights Middle School

School Starts Thursday, August 15th, 2024

August 2024

Dear Parents and/or Guardians,

We welcome you to the 2024-25 school year! 

Below you will find important information for the 2024-25 School Year such as  links to a calendar of important dates, student dress code, bell schedule, suggested  supplies needed so that your child will be ready to begin classes on the first day of school, August 15, 2024 at 8:40 a.m.

How will my child know where to go on the first day?

There will be an alphabetical list posted in front of Panther Hall 24 hours before the first day of school, so that students know what Advisory room to report to on the first day.  They will receive their schedules in their first period from their Advisory teachers.   Students may also log into their Infinite Campus Portal the day before school starts. 

Annual Enrollment Update

The annual enrollment update for incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th graders is now open. If you have not already updated your child’s annual enrollment information please do so today.  This must be completed before the first day of school. 

Link to Update:

2024-25 PHMS Bell Schedule: 

Please note we are on a special Bell Schedule on Thursday August 15th and Friday August 16th, students will go to their Advisory Classes first on the first two days of school.


2024-25 Suggested Supply List:   Suggested Student Supply List 

Physical Education Clothing

PE uniforms are required in our district’s middle schools. Students may use Parkway PE clothes purchased during the last school year or may buy new ones. PE clothes can be purchased at school through the PE department once school begins.   Prices are as follows: 

  • $10 T-shirts
  • $10 Shorts
  • $20 Sweatpants
  • $20 Sweatshirts  

For PE clothes, students only need a combination of one top and one bottom. 

PE Lockers are assigned by your PE teachers, student provides their own combination lock.  

We will not have access to book lockers.  The Williams Act allows students to keep one text book at home and another in the classroom for the duration of the class, so the use of lockers will not be necessary except in PE.

Other Important links and information:

Dress Code:

PHMS DRESS CODE 2024-25.pdf

Free/Reduced Lunch Application:

Extended Learning Opportunities Program: